Now for the real work
So, ‘Intruders’ was received with critical acclaim and I must admit to being very proud of my project. All the hard work that went into making these shots made it all very worthwhile. I never found a sponsor which obviously put a huge dent in the coffers but I was determined to finish something that I had so much excitement in shooting.
Opening night on the 11th April turned out to be a huge success. Despite the very poor weather, almost 300 people attended the event and drank the evening away.
I’m so pleased to have chosen Filmbase in Temple Bar to host the exhibition. The gallery is totally behind glass and the public are drawn in. Far too many exhibitions are held at obscure locations only to be well attended on opening night and then forgotten for the remainder of their term. I dropped by Filmbase every day for about an hour and there was always a nice trickle of people coming and going. On a few occasions I would sit and have a cup of coffee at a café directly across the road and watch the faces on people as they viewed my work. A very interesting and pleasurable experience.
As of now I have no other plans to take the exhibition anywhere unless of course somebody approaches me with a request. All the images from the exhibition are now on online
I have no plan to do any other “Intruder’ shots and now I’d like to concentrate on working hard in getting more commercial work running. People are what I do best and it’s to this end I will be concentrating all my energy. I have some interesting notions regarding people images but it’s all still in it’s infant stages. It will be solely geared towards an advertising style which I’m hoping will ignite more creatives interest.
The ‘Chair’ project is kinda on hold but still ticking over in the background as I’ve got so much stuff on file that I’ll be releasing images every once in a while for those that still like the project
I’m now chomping at the bit to do some print ads. Fingers crossed.